My comment on Diane’s Anglican Church blog.

Diane and I both went to the same service at Saint Gabriel's Anglican Church and we both have very similar views on the Church. However both of us have a few pieces of varied information about the Church. Firstly, Diane talked about how the Anglicans acknowledge Mary as the mother of Christ and how she has done lots in the life of Christ, though the Anglicans do not worship her like the Roman Catholics do. On the other hand I didn’t get this information because I didn’t find it relevant or interesting as opposed to other pieces of information such as the service being based on the prayer book instead of the bible.

I also noticed that Diane didn’t talk about the fact that anyone who is baptized is able to take communion. I think that this is a very valid piece of information to take note of as it is completely different to the views of the Catholic Church which only allow people who are baptized as a Catholic to take communion. I also noticed that Diane didn’t talk about how the communion was done in the Anglican Church. I believe that if Diane had of put this information in her blog it would have made her more observant.

Although there are a few different observations that were made we still have many more similarities. For example Diane and I have both written about the fact that the votive candle symbolizes the light that God brought into the darkness. And if wanted to pray for someone you would light the candle and pray. We have also both acknowledged that when the candle is burning it reminds us that Christ comes to us through the petition and its ongoing prayer to God. Nevertheless it is very interesting that although Diane and I went to the same Church service that we both made different observations.